
Lanaleaks® Leak-Proof Underwear is designed with extreme care to provide comfort and protection. However, it is essential to understand that while our innovative three-layer technology is intended to minimize the risk of leakage, menstruation and sweat, we cannot always offer an absolute leak-proof guarantee.

Several factors, such as fit, individual body anatomy and amount of moisture, can affect leak-free performance. Lanaleaks® offers no express or implied guarantee that leaks will be completely prevented.

Lanaleaks® leak-proof women's underwear is not a substitute for good hygiene practices or medical advice. It is vital to follow the recommended guidelines for the use and care of underwear, and to consult a healthcare professional for specific health problems.

By purchasing and using Lanaleaks® underwear, the customer acknowledges and agrees that the effectiveness of the product in preventing leaks may vary, and that Lanaleaks® assumes no responsibility for any discomfort, inconvenience or damage resulting from unexpected leaks.

Please refer to the maintenance instructions provided with the product for optimal performance and extended life. If you have any questions or concerns, our customer service team is ready to help.

Lanaleaks® appreciates your understanding and confidence in our products. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.